Stop hiding behind your fear of failure in sales.  



The toughest part of getting booked out is overcoming sales objections - but there is something most online business owners don't realize...


Because if the buyer didn't have reservations about your price, value or relevance to their situation, they would have already signed up by now. 

"I’d love to work with you but I can’t afford it in my budget right now!"

You know that waiting to invest in themselves, once they "have the money" is like waiting to go to the gym, once they're fit first. But how do you get them to realize that?

"I need to discuss this with my spouse first."

There are times when your prospect needs to get on the same page with their partner before making a decision, and that's okay. But how can you maintain control of that sales conversation, even if you aren't in the room?

"I'm not ready now, maybe in a couple of months."

We both know that the right time is right now but Fearful Franny is usually holding them back from taking action. How can you redirect their fear and get them to make the decision to move forward? 

Hearing "no" can be a tough pill to swallow

Fortunately for you... I've got the solution so you can combat the most common sales objections. 


Right Response™ is the sales coaching you wish you would have learned from that brand strategist or messaging coach you hired months ago.

This training program will give you everything you need to confidently handle the most common sales objections, from anyone, forever.

This training program is uniquely tailored to Coaches & Service Providers who sell (or want to sell) offers priced at $1,000+ per client

Because a conversation WITHOUT a close is not SALE. *mic drop*

what's included:  


You'll get the entire Right Response system delivered over 7 lessons so you can easily take yourself through it step-by-step, while going from feeling like a sleazy seller to becoming a confident closer.

  •  THE PURCHASING DECISION PYRAMID™ (value $297) What makes someone decide to buy from you, now? How do you overcome the most common sales objection - price - without resorting to deep discounts or special promotions that cut into your profit margins? Learn how to address the 5 most prominent purchasing decisions so you can get back in the driver's seat of your sales success.  

Psychology plays a great role in your marketing, at least it should. You have the power to enhance your content to overcome sales objections before you ever get on a sales call by infusing your marketing with sales psychology. Learn the principles of commitment and consistency to increase loyalty and sales.


Learn exactly how to remain in control during every aspect of the sales conversation. These 4 phases of closing a client will ensure you stop getting ghosted and only get on calls with prospects who are ready to make decisions.

  •  HOW TO SELL WHEN YOU RAISE YOUR RATES (value $97) I'll show you how to turn your $50 hourly rate into a $5,000 signature offer, and sell it seamlessly.  

The Right Response System alone is EASILY worth $1,285. Oh, but there’s more…

  • BONUS #1: THE COI PRINCIPLE (value $97) If you're selling a high-value offer, you've probably tried to calculate the ROI (return on investment) to justify your rates. But even if you present your prospects with a compelling ROI-based argument, chances are, you still won’t win the deal. Learn how to introduce the COI Principle before discussing the ROI to enroll your prospect in a commitment of change.

  • BONUS #2: BUYER DECISION RISK REMOVAL (value $97) Discover the 3 key considerations prospects are evaluating when deciding to hire you versus someone else. When you address these concerns confidently, you'll be able to enroll premium clients with more ease (and make your competition obsolete).

  •  BONUS #3: QUALIFY YOUR RATES ASSESSMENT (value $47) You know you want to raise your rates, but are you qualified to charge premium? Take this assessment to determine once and for all how much you should be charging and if your service is qualified to be priced at a high-ticket rate.

why should you trust me?

>> I actually practice what I preach. I don't just teach this stuff; I actually use it. I use the EXACT objection killers and sales scripts for myself and my clients to increase their conversion rates & profitability. I am NOT just repeating what XYZ "top-secret" sales hacker tactic is being taught by the latest guru (insert gag reflex here).

>> I'm not JUST a business coach (And definitely not one of those emotionally fluffy, feel good coaches who tells you that if you just fixed your mindset all of your money problems would disappear. Yea, mindset matters but there is logic and strategy at play too), but I am ALSO an organic marketing strategist and sales consultant, podcast host, public speaker, and course creator. (I've also had clients jokingly call me their Harvest Angel sent from heaven, the answer to their prayers and the business bestie they've been longing for.) I quit my corporate engineering career, leaving the role of Lead Engineer on a $400M pipeline project at a Fortune 500 company because the strategies I teach inside of this program helped me book over $60,000 in sales in ONE SINGULAR MONTH. I've run multiple online businesses since 2013. I GET IT! I'm a God fearing, transparent, straight shooter who will give you direct coaching and proven strategies that produce real results. Periodt! 

>> I've helped hundreds of businesses make a WHOLE LOTTA money. I've worked with clients from North Carolina to Nigeria, in dozens of different industries, from e-commerce boutique consulting to medical residency admissions coaching. The thing that sucks about certification programs and college degrees is that they teach you how to serve within your profession, but they don't teach you how to profit from it. Law School teaches you how to be a lawyer but not how to build a world-class firm. Academics learn how to conduct research but not how to get the grant. Digital Marketers learn how to run high converting ads but don't know how to package their services and price their offers. You're a beast at what you do (honestly, you're probably overly qualified). You know how to serve. It's finally time you learn how to sell. ​

>> I'm a GOOD human... somewhere between Proverbs 31 and Tupac. I'm a dog momma to a mini-golden doodle and wife to the man that passed my dating scorecard with flying colors (that's a conversation for another time, DM me about it). My business practices are based on biblical scripture and my obedience to aligned action has turned my vision board dreams into reality. Surpassing my corporate salary, flying first class, traveling to countries whose names I don't know how to pronounce and most importantly, being able to be present for the moments that matter. I'm living proof that it's 110% possible to want it all and have it. And I want you to have that too!

I’m a small business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital training. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been an Instagram caption.  

I’m extremely proud of the trainings I've created and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be elated with their purchase.  

That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that the video explanations and detailed frameworks will quadruple your conversion rate or client enrollment, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the unique perspective delivered and the clarity and confidence it will give you.

Of course, If you’re not happy with the digital training, I will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.

frequently asked questions:

âť“Who is this for? This is specifically for online coaches, consultants and professional service providers who want to raise their rates and enroll premium, high-ticket clients. 

❓How is this training different from other courses? I've bought courses before and never used them. Did those courses teach you how to pick up a phone and make money? Because that’s what I’m going to show you how to do. If you’re willing to learn this skill and apply it to get massive results in your business and life, then I can help you. If you want to buy this course and hope that just buying it will make magic happen in your business and life, it won’t!

âť“What if I have specific questions or need personalized attention? This offering does not come with a community or coaching.

âť“Will this work for what I sell? Right Response will work for ANYTHING you want to sell, but it works best for high-ticket services. The types of businesses that have profited from this system include: accountants, lawyers, interior designers, website designers, academics, copywriters, coaches, consultants, marketing strategists, marketing agencies, and various types of personal and professional services. This is NOT pushy sales or sleazy sales. It’s simple for YOU and it’s easy for your buyer. 

âť“If I suck at sales can this really help me? YES!!! If you suck at sales, PLEASE let me help you. That came out wrong. First of all, sucking at sales isn’t a permanent thing. Secondly, it’s probably not as bad as you think it is. You don’t have to do anything that feels icky, sleazy, or just not YOU. You WILL have to step outside your comfort zone and stretch yourself in new ways. Also keep in mind, that even if you’re getting 50% close rates, learning how to get MORE people on sales calls with you (which I will teach you how to do with ease and fun) will help.  

❓How much time do I need for this? The modules are all in a simple, easy-to-access audio format so, on top of the time it takes to do sales calls, you’ll just need 30-60 minutes per week to confidently have the RIGHT RESPONSE.

âť“I'm already busy with client work, and I know I need a more scalable approach to triple my revenue without enrolling more 1:1 clients. Will this program help me make this shift? This program will teach you how overcome objections and increase your conversion rate. If you need support with leveraging your business model and launching a group program offer at a premium price point, apply for a LEVERAGE call today. 

âť“What if I decide this isn't for me? I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. No worries. BUT, I will also tell you that I'm obsessed with bringing the best product to market that I can - have a suggestion? Let me know. 

what happens next?


Enter your name and payment details to complete your purchase.


Check your email to receive the instructions for the LIVE training session. 


Listen, learn and apply the training to confidently sell your services after you raise your rates.

Biggest lessons learned and top takeaways from students...