Discover the sustainable way to reach millionaire status while staying true to your purpose and maintaining your peace of mind.

Preserve your profits | Pursue your calling | Elevate your coaching career

All without compromise

Apply to join the Exclusive Mastermind for Elite 6 and 7- figure Coaches

Immerse yourself in a curated community of successful 6 and 7-figure coaches who are driven by purpose and fueled by sustainable growth. Accelerated success and lasting impact is possible for you.

Let's face it, you've never been normal.

You never fit in the crowd or the expectations everyone else had of people who were in your career.

You never fit in because you've always stood out. You spoke up. You stepped through. And you took a stance for something you deeply believed in which is what led you here to this moment.

Now, you are ready to fully embody your calling and live it out through the work that you do with conviction.

You’re ready to elevate your mental frameworks which guide you through managing the risk of the heavier decisions you’ve been faced with.

You’re ready to take responsibility for the company you’ve created by installing, optimizing, and enhancing the efficiency of that operational infrastructure that fuels the predictability of your cash flow.

And you’re ready to do all of that while honoring your intuition, experiencing abundant joy, and profiting more money than you’ve ever personally seen before.

Success means you’re going to have better problems.

Fully step into your excellence. Have confidence around knowing how to calculate and read your numbers. It's time to claim your title as the CEO.

You don’t need to make a million dollars per year in order to become a millionaire.

You don’t need 14 full-time employees to be considered a legitimate business. 

You don’t need to spend $20,000 per month on paid ads to attract enough leads.

You've built something incredible and you're ready to scale with more ease. You started your business to experience more freedom and you want to avoid caging yourself in the business or on too many client calls because of poor capacity constraints or a low performing team.

The ease you desire to experience comes through operational efficiency, rather than fearful avoidance.

  • Know your metrics
  • Confront your money
  • Accept responsibility
  • Create filters to guide your choices

Your business is not your baby but the vehicle that has allowed you to birth your movement. Your movement has grown legs and has been shaking up what’s traditionally been done in your industry. You are overwhelmed by your success and need a safe space to elevate your decision-making criteria so you can take this business to new heights. You have been reluctant to celebrate how far you have come because you know how much further you know you’re capable of going.

It's time for that to change.

Kemi Doll, Get That Grant, Coach for Women of Color in Academic Medicine

What you can expect from Legacy:

  • Close Proximity To 6 and 7-figure High Performers Community. All members have been highly curated, vetted, and interviewed prior to admission.
  • Courageous Leaders Who Want To Disrupt How Things Have Traditionally Been Done. Every member is a great coach in their own right, highly self-aware (people who do the inner work outside of this space), and whose calling is attached to a mission greater than themselves. All members are seeking belonging, support, and a safe place to unravel as they navigate new levels of their CEO identity.
  • Implement Projects Based On Your Business Priorities. Instead of following a cookie-cutter, linear path to scaling your coaching company, that may not even be relevant to your definition of success, each quarter, you'll complete your Legacy Roadmap Assessment to determine which operational projects to implement based on the most pressing needs of your business, at that moment.

Stabilize Your Monthly Recurring Revenue

Determine which business model structure most aligns with your profit goals and personal lifestyle preferences to scale your business by increasing your monthly recurring revenue. No more cookie-cutter, mimic the guru's business model stuff. Pick a path that is best aligned FOR YOU!

Delegate Your Marketing Distribution

You are not a content creator who prioritizes building a large audience. You're a business leader who leverages content to attract qualified leads for your program. Begin to see your social channels as mini media company and scale your lead generation through strategic content repurposing.

Increase Your Coaching Capacity

Standardize your program curriculum and client experience deliverables to remove yourself from the day to day delivery without negatively impacting client sentiment. Learn how to hire, train and onboard the right Program Coaches, Community Managers and Client Success Lead.

"I’ve made $1M in 12 months and surpassed $3M in total revenue since I started my business. I celebrated 7 years in business. I’m so proud of my past self for betting on me and trusting that I would figure it out (especially while managing chronic health issues). I never imagined I’d be where I am now - not only supporting myself but employing other people."

- Sarah Dobson, Research Grant Writing Consultancy

Legacy is for the leader who values and believes that...

Becoming a millionaire is about more than just the money. It’s about the meaning. 

  • It's about how you make money, not just about making more. You desire to protect your profit, preserve your peace and honor your pace.
  • Realization of what you have always been capable of obtaining. 
  • Redistribution of society's wealth into the hands of someone committed to doing even more good in the world. 

The quality of leads is more valuable than the number of followers. 

  • You desire to grow not by aggressively hunting down (or paying for) more leads but by focusing on client retention and increasing lifetime value, providing a greater depth of value for a niche audience segment. 

Simplicity is the way to scale. 

  • While you know you can do a lot, you value your capacity and honor your season to focus on only doing (and selling) what drives profit for your company (not just what can make more money). 
  • You reject the pressure of endless exponential growth for the sake of getting bigger.
  • Efficiency, standardization, and data-driven decision-making are areas you desire to strengthen and lead your company forward with.

Jenna Romano, Dog Liaison, Dog Behavior & Guardianship Coach

Submit Your Application Today

Legacy clients have been able to:

  • - Take 30 days off without the business stopping
  • - Pay in full (cash) for their dream wedding
  • - Move across the country without financial worry
  • - Purchase their dream home and fully remodel it
  • - Speak at industry conferences and national news outlets
  • - Unexpectedly take 2 weeks off to recover from an illness
  • - Earn $1M in one year, maintaining 60% profit, with 2 employees  
  • - Create a will, trust, and obtain life insurance 
  • - Regularly fly first class
  • - Become the primary caregiver for an elderly parent 
  • - No longer work on the weekends so that they can be present at kids' baseball games and ballerina dance recitals 
  • - Comfortably take a 4-month maternity leave
  • - Purchase investment properties
  • - Pay off credit card and student loan debt 
  • - Spend the summer in South Africa 
  • - Buy their dream car

And so can you!

All members must meet the following qualifications:

  • You have a core offer that is in a position to be scaled.
  • The average Legacy member is earning upwards of $500k per year, but we have a minimum requirement of $200k per year in annual business revenue.
  • Positioning themselves as a premium-priced option within their industry. While they may have an offer suite, the bulk of their annual revenue is based on a high-ticket offer.
  • Elevating your CEO decision-making skills is a key priority for you. You desire to have close proximity to high performers and coaching support that will help you have a deeper sense of self-trust.
  • Desire to disrupt how things have traditionally been done in your industry. You are ready to fully show up and be seen.  
  • High level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence (you are no stranger to doing the inner work). 
  • You take 100% ownership and accountability for your results.

Who Legacy is NOT for:

  • Coaches earning less than 6 figures in annual business revenue.
  • If you care about becoming internet famous more than you care about protecting your profits and delivering a best-in-class client experience.
  • Someone looking for a savior. All businesses go through their share of ups and downs but you aren't looking for a guru to take over and save the day.
  • Coaches who want to hide in the shadows and expect to receive more than they contribute. If you have no intentions to prioritize attendance on mastermind calls and participate with peers in the community, this isn't the space for you.
  • The cost of travel to live events or paying to join this mastermind would put you out financially.

"Within one year of being in Legacy, I've made friends - I entered for the systems and curriculum and stayed for the community. I've made money - I added over 6-figures in new revenue. I've made history - I entered with a B2C group coaching program that I'd been delivering for 4 years and leveraged that experience into a B2B model by creating the 1st plant based coaching certification to be founded by a person of color. 🙌🏾 Most importantly, I've owned and fully stepped into my identity as a leader and a public figure."

- Lisa Smith, Plant Based Health & Business Coach

What's required of you to succeed in this mastermind:

  • Desire to grow with a simplified business model where 70%+ of your annual revenue comes from 1-2 core offers
  • Courage to stand for something and have a bold perspective in your messaging
  • Show your face and allow yourself to be seen (and heard) by creating long-form marketing content 
  • Grieve the current version of yourself because you’ll be stepping into an identity that you’ve always been capable of becoming
  • Enforce healthy constraints and exercise strategic boundaries to maintain focus as you scale with intention 
  • Develop a relationship with your money (avoidance is unacceptable)
  • Willingness to look at and monitor the performance of your revenue, conversion rates, profit, and personal net worth
  • Coachable and open to new perspectives
  • Able to travel

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Due to your business growing and earning more profit, be prepared to handle the responsibility of larger tax obligations. Don't worry, we openly share and have conversations about only paying Uncle Sam what he is owed.

The type of formats you'll experience:

  • Monthly Peer Mastermind: Tailored discussions with peers to learn business best practices around particular topics: Retirement Planning, Client Onboarding, Payment Recovery, Lead Generation & Content Repurposing, Hiring & Incentive-Based Compensation, etc. This will be a way to learn what's working in other people's businesses or to get help on how you can troubleshoot a particular area of your own business.
  • Live Training: New strategies, ways of thinking, or frameworks will be introduced based on what's working. These will happen usually once per quarter.
  • Individual Hot Seats: Each quarter, members volunteer to be in the hot seat based on who has pressing business needs. Advice and critical feedback is shared to help accelerate your business growth. Lessons learned can be extracted for everyone in the room.
  • Quarterly Strategic Group Planning Calls: Each quarter, we will guide you through the Legacy Roadmap to help you measure your progress, set your intentions, and determine priority projects for the 90 days. Never guess about what you should be working on to move your business forward.
  • Boardroom Meetings (2x per year): One meeting will be in-person while the other will be virtual.
  • Members Only Digital Community: Check in with your peers, share your lessons learned, ask questions, and seek perspective in between our meetings.

How often we will meet:

  • 2x 75-minute group calls per month
  • 2x 2-day mastermind meetups per year [April and September]
  • 4 quarterly and annual strategic planning sessions
  • 12-month access to the proven Legacy Roadmap Framework
  • 12-month access to LEVERAGE curriuclum, coaching calls and community

"After getting back for the Legacy Mastermind Retreat, COVID took me out for an entire week. My team (2 program coaches and 1 client success coordinator) ran the entire business without me. They enrolled new clients and were able to continue serving existing clients. I remember getting a PIF email notification while I was running a fever!

- Josie Rosario, Business Coach for Therapists

Next Steps:

1 - Submit your application.

Legacy is capped at 50 Entrepreneurs. Many members stay in for multiple years so there is a waitlist and an application process to be accepted. 

2 - Once your application has been approved, you'll be invited to complete our Business Benchmark Assessment. This will give you immediate insight into the gaps that currently exist in your business and how scaleable your business is right now.

3 - You'll share your assessment score with a Legacy Program Advisor and determine your best Next Step.

How the mastermind helps clients achieve sustainable business results

The Mastermind is a data-driven, action-based coaching environment where you'll be implementing specific, detailed operational systems to help scale your online education business...


Business Audit

You'll receive a detailed questionnaire that asks strategic questions about your business model, your current challenges, and your growth goals so that we can determine "low hanging fruits" to get you immediate wins in the short term, while developing a customized 12-month plan for sustainable growth.


1:1 Onboarding & Custom Roadmap Built for Your Business

You will get on a private 1:1 onboarding & strategy call with a Legacy Program Advisor. Based on the business audit questionnaire that you answered, she will identify the simplest, most streamlined ways to achieve your goals over the coming 52 weeks. Receive your immediate action steps for the next 90 days, which will aid you in achieving impactful results.


Monthly Mastermind Calls

Prioritize time each month to attend the two (2) monthly mastermind calls with Jereshia Hawk or a Legacy Program Advisor. Submit for hot seats so that Jereshia Hawk can take a deep dive into your business opportunities. Every call will present new insights, strategic perspectives, or breakthroughs to help you regulate yourself, lead your company, manage your team, and serve your clients.


Quarterly Strategic Business Planning

Every quarter, we will guide you through a process to work on your business, review your key performance metrics, determine which strategic operational systems you need to implement over the next 90 days to scale your coaching business and protect your profit.


2x Mastermind Retreats

Get out of the day-to-day weeds of running a business from your home office and connect with other like-minded digital entrepreneurs in the mastermind. In April and September, have dedicated time to focus on moving the needle and gaining momentum on new projects and initiatives.

All of our best decision-making frameworks, SOPs, operating systems, templates, trainings, checklists, and more

Jereshia Hawk has tested, tracked, and documented every proven approach shared, based on real results achieved in her business or the business of clients she has coached.

If you're ready for a no-fluff approach to taking calculated action, working from proven business + marketing strategies, in an intimate, curated group setting where you cannot hide...